Esposizione temporanea #2 - Motivesounds Recording
Seconda Esposizione Temporanea dedicata alla Motivesounds Recording, piccola etichetta inglese che si propone di promuovere musicali nonchè designers, in modo da costruire una rete di "independent thinkers" e creare una piattaforma duale in cui copertine e musica degli album coesistono e si creano a vicenda.
Di seguito alcuni brani degli artisti prodotti.
Second Temporary Residence dedicated to the Motivesounds Recording, small british label that promotes not only music but also designers, to create a web of "indipendent thinkers" and create a dual platform where cover and music of an album cohexist and create each other.
Some tracks by the produced artists.
- Capulet - No Time Spoke The Clocks / more.
- Let Airplane Circle Overhead - Rwanda / more.
- Mt. - Add Obvious Errors / more.
- Shoud - Fuck the Bats / more.
- ctrlaltdelete - Each of these Innocents... / more.
Technorati Tags: Esposizione Temporanea, record label, Motive Sounds Recording, U.K.
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Anonimo, at 8/10/2006 08:14:00 AM
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Anonimo, at 8/15/2006 07:29:00 PM
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